- Qualified nominees for Elders will be considered and potentially interviewed by our Elder Team. After interviews, the Elder Team will decide whom to invite to serve on the Elder Team.
- The names of the new members of the Elder Team will be announced on or before Sunday, August 25.
- The elders are a group of men, including our Lead Pastor, Robby Pollard, who provide general oversight and leadership to The Brook Church. They serve as the primary leadership team of the church. Elders serve for a term of three years. The team may include up to two paid staff members.
There are four key responsibilities of an elder:
- Leader – Elders are servant-leaders who lead courageously and for the benefit of the congregation. (1 Timothy 3:4-5, 1 Peter 5:3, Luke 22:26)
- Shepherd – Elders pastor the flock providing for the protection and care of the congregation. (Acts 20:28-29, James 5:14)
- Teacher – Elders teach the Scripture and preserve the purity of sound doctrine in the church. (1 Timothy 3:2)
- Mentor – Elders train up and equip younger members of the church for leadership and ministry. (2 Timothy 2:2)
Elder Qualifications:
- The primary passages of the Bible that list elder qualifications are 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. We encourage you to read these verses as you pray.
- In general, an elder should be one that is above reproach, a man of character, committed to his wife and family, self-controlled, and hospitable to all. He should not be a new believer, but one seasoned in his faith.
- Elders should be men of spiritual, emotional and relational maturity who express the Fruit of the Spirit in their life (Galatians 5:22-23).
- An elder candidate should be one who has served willingly in the church and is actively involved in the body life of the church, having a place of ministry that they faithfully execute.
- They must have credibility in our body to be recognized by people as a leader in the church. They are people who have earned their right to lead and have carved out their value in the church body.
- They have grown to trust God with their financial resources through tithing. They give joyfully, systematically, proportionately and sacrificially a minimum of 10% of their income to God in support of ministry and His church.
- They represent Christ well in their business dealings, family life, and reputation outside of church. They are known to be honest people with integrity.
- They handle leadership with maturity and humility; knowing that being a leader means a willingness to give up certain rights and to monitor their behavior before others. They must not be given to excesses that would ruin their credibility with people.
- Elders must be willing to engage in God-honoring conflict resolution and church discipline in order to protect the unity of the church.
- Elders, other than the Lead Pastor, serve one three-year term on this team.
- The Brook requires that an elder candidate be a Christian for at least five years and a member of The Brook for at least two years.
- Other qualifications and considerations as contained in the document The Office of Elder will be considered in the selection of elders.
Detailed information about Elders may be found in the document The Office of Elder and is available by request. Simply email us at elders@brook.net to receive a copy.